I was at a crossroad in my career. It was time to decide whether I’d take the corporate or airline route. Unfortunately, I was not able to make this decision for myself; someone else made it for me.

I was refused a corporate jet job because the other pilot’s girlfriend felt uncomfortable that her boyfriend would be flying with a girl. Way to stick together girls! That’s ok… I didn’t really want to fly to spend 2 day layovers in New York City and sit on the beach in Miami. I was having much more fun in the job I had at the time; flying drunk people in the middle of nowhere at 2 o’clock in the morning in a rickety turboprop.

Besides it’s probably better that he hire a guy that will insist that they go to the strippers and pick up chicks in the hotel lobby. I hope that makes you feel more comfortable toots.

I’m glad I ended up taking the airline route. They have inclusive hiring policies and can’t discriminate against gender, no matter what their girlfriends say.