Captain Creepo: “Yeah… I’ve got Alzheimer’s.”
Me: “What are you talking about?”
Captain Creepo: “Yeah… when I’m at work, I forget that I’m married.”
Me: “Dude, you wouldn’t even have stood a chance with me 25 years ago and 25 pounds ago.” (ok, that’s what I WISH I had said.)

This attitude is only one of many that describes the “how the captain sees me” part of The Empty Kitchen’s profile picture.

The dead giveaway when I’m flying with a “Captain Creepo” is within 15 minutes of reporting for duty he says something along the lines of “my wife doesn’t love me anymore” or “my girlfriend and I are having problems.” These are red flags. This is pilot speak for “what happens on the road, stays on the road.”

For some reason these guys think that I was put there to satisfy their every need. This has happened to me way too many times. This is obviously not a conversation that they would have with a male counterpart. Since I’m a woman, it’s apparently fair game. Respect and professionalism are thrown out the window. I’m no longer seen as a pilot (if I ever was), I’m suddenly a conquest.

If anyone is going to tell me that I should be flattered that someone is “interested” in me; please don’t. I’m at work and I expect to be treated like a professional. I’ve worked pretty hard to get to where I am, and I find it insulting to be thought of as anything less than a crew member.

Does this happen to other girls? I really hope it doesn’t, yet I hope it’s not just me.

You’ve got to have a pretty big ego to think that you can pick up chicks while wearing a short sleeve shirt with a tie – geek squad.

Ain’t nobody got time for that!